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Daisy Lowe’s unusual looks are perfect for Biba

Biba creative director Lara Bohinc says she chose Daisy Lowe for her new campaign because of her ”unusual” looks.

Daisy Lowe was chosen for a new Biba campaign because of her ”unusual” looks.

The 22-year-old model – who was the face of the fashion label when it relaunched in 2010 – was the perfect choice for creative director Lara Bohinc’s accessories collection for the brand because of her striking looks.

Lara said: ”Daisy is not only a beautiful woman but she is also quite unusual and full of character.”

The photo shoot for the campaign – which was shot by Jon Compson at London hotspot Sketch – is designed to depict a glamorous woman who has returned home following a party and has had time to remove most of her clothes – but not her beautiful accessories.

Lara added to ”We shot at the parlour at Sketch, which is a very unusual place; full of striking pieces of furniture and textiles. It was fantastic to shoot it all in one room, it really cut the time in between shots. We shot it all in one day, all five images. Accessories can be quite difficult to shoot on a model because the light needs to reflect from the pieces as well as light up the model’s face beautifully.”