
Courtney Love wins rent claim

A court case against Courtney Love claiming she owes $54,000 in rent on her New York home has been dropped by the judge.

A court case against Courtney Love claiming she owes back rent on her New York home has been dropped.

The Hole singer has been renting a $27,000-a-month townhouse on West 10th Street for 11 months, and while owner Donna Lyon had alleged in court that she owes $54,000 in rent, Judge Jean Schneider of New York County Housing Court threw out the claim on Wednesday (18.01.12).

Judge Schneider ruled that Ms. Lyon had improperly relied on outdated lease provisions.

Courtney’s lawyer, Eric Sherman, said: "We are pleased with the court’s decision. The judge decided there was no non in the nonpayment. She has always paid her rent on time, in fact sometimes in advance of when it was due."

The star’s one-year lease is up on February 14 and representatives for both Courtney and Donna said she will be moving out at that time.

Mr. Sherman said Courtney "will abide by the terms of the lease" while Norman Flitt – who represents Ms. Lyon – added: "If she complies with the lease, she gets out."

However, the judge did not address claims that Courtney painted the walls of the $8 million townhouse and accidently started a small fire in June that "demonstrated enormous disregard for the lease agreement and the design vision that makes the home so unique".