
Part-time work ideal for moms

Study confirms that mothers who work outside the home are healthier mentally and physically than stay-at-home moms.

Researchers followed 1,364 mothers for a decade and found that mothers who worked outside the home (full or part-time), showed better physical health and well-being than stay-at-home moms, according to new study published in the Journal of Family Psychology. The employed moms also had a lower risk of depression.

Mothers who stay at home to raise a family were able to focus on their children’s education and monitor schooling, according to the study, but mothers who work part-time were just as involved with their children. The working moms actually brought more to the table in terms of their kids’ learning opportunities.

Researchers concluded that for the sake of both the mother and child’s well-being, working outside the home provides balance for moms, and role models for kids.

If financially able, mothers would most likely be happiest working part-time when their kids are younger, but this could easily change to full-time once their children are older and more independent.


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