
Helping kids deal with disappointment and frustration at Christmas

How to cope when holiday magic descends into jealousy, resentment and frustration.

Your children eagerly await Santa’s arrival, but what happens on Christmas morning when your son discovers his sister received more presents? Or that he didn’t like two of his gifts? Or that he never got what he wanted most – a radio-controlled car?

To avoid a downward spiral of jealousy and disappointment, here are some tips on how to help your child appreciate the holiday.

Let your son know that Santa has the same budget for each sibling. Since some of his sister’s gifts were less expensive, she received more. So, although it looks like she received more, Santa loves them both equally.

You can reassure your child by saying that the remote-controlled car was not ready at Santa’s Workshop, but that it might be available by his birthday.

Patiently explain that, for the gifts he didn’t like, the two of you can plan a trip to the store to exchange them.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt to mention that he is a lucky little boy since many children don’t receive anything at Christmas.

Encourage your kids to enjoy the day and visit with guests, and remind them, after all, Christmas only comes once a year.


Photo credit: Stuart Miles/