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UK bans Miu Miu ad starring Hailee Steinfeld

Watchdog deems ad irresponsible for depicting child actress in unsafe location.

High-fashion Prada subsidiary Miu Miu may regret using such a young model for their newest campaign, as one of the images starring 14-year-old actress Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) has been banned in the U.K. because it depicts a child in an unsafe location, reports the Daily Mail.

The image, which shows the Oscar-nominated Steinfeld sitting on a railway track rubbing her eye, was part of the latest ad campaign for the luxury label. Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority first received a complaint from someone who felt the image was suggestive of teen suicide. While the ASA did not agree with that concern, they still ruled to ban the advertisement because of Steinfeld’s location on railway tracks.

"Because the ad showed Hailee Steinfeld, who was 14 years of age only when the photo was shot, in a potentially hazardous situation sitting on a railway track, we concluded the ad was irresponsible and in breach of the code in showing a child in a hazardous or dangerous situation," they explained. "The ad must not appear again in its current form."

According to the label, the ad – which was shot by famed photographer Bruce Weber – is part of a "serious, high-fashion campaign aimed at adult women," and would not likely be seen by children. They also explained that Steinfeld had not been asked to cry or look upset and that the railway tracks were abandoned, putting her in no danger of a passing train.

The ruling follows only weeks after the ASA also banned an image from Marc Jacobs’ Oh, Lola! campaign, because its depiction of 17-year-old Dakota Fanning with an oversized perfume bottle between her legs was deemed to be sexualizing a child.