
Elbow to compose Olympic theme for BBC

British rockers will write soundtrack for 2012 Olympic television coverage.

British rock band Elbow has been chosen to compose the soundtrack for the British Broadcasting Corporation’s coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games, reports New Music Express.

The six-minute piece is “currently in the final stages of production and will soundtrack the network’s entire build-up and coverage of London 2012,” notes the band’s website.

The statement continues: “The band consider the commission to be both a massive honour and one of the most daunting challenges of their career…”

“We are knocked out to be involved and it’s been quite a challenge,” said lead singer Guy Garvey. “We have feelings of real responsibility as we will be the soundtrack to so many images of personal sacrifice and endeavor while the nation roots for and celebrates with Team GB [Great Britain].”

Earlier this year, Elbow released their fifth album, Build a Rocket Boys!, and the band has confirmed that they working on new material for their next album.