
Lindsay Lohan’s probation revoked

Mean Girls star leaves court in handcuffs.

Yesterday (October 19), Lindsay Lohan had her probation revoked by Judge Stephanie Sautner in Los Angeles, reports People.

The judge recently reprimanded the 25-year-old starlet for failing to find a therapist for weekly sessions, which was part of her sentence for stealing a $2,500 necklace from a jewelry store in January. Lohan claims to have attended therapy sessions by telephone.

Last week, Lohan was kicked out of her community service program with the Downtown Women’s Center in L.A. The actress was supposed to complete 380 hours of community service, however she was a no-show for nine scheduled visits, and often when she did show up, would work for only an hour and then leave. She was eventually kicked out of the program.

The actress’s attorney Shawn Holley said that the missed appointments were due to work commitments abroad, and that her client had a good report from her psychiatrist, which said Lohan had “reached a turning point in her accountability and maturity.”

The judge retorted: “Failing to show up nine times [to the shelter] is reaching a turning point in her maturity?” Lohan also has yet to begin janitorial duty at the L.A. County morgue, where she was previously ordered to complete 120 hours.

After the 30- minute hearing, Lohan was handcuffed and taken away by sheriff’s deputies. She was released shortly after noon, once bail for $100,000 was processed.

Lohan will return to court on November 2 to formally determine if she violated probation. She faces a possible 18 months in prison, however due to jail overcrowding, most likely she could end up under house arrest again.