
Cellphones a breeding ground for bacteria

Study finds as many as one in six cellphones could be contaminated with E. coli.

As many as one in six cellphones could be contaminated with E. coli and fecal bacteria, according to a new study reported by Digital Journal.

Researchers in the U.K. sampled bacteria found on hands and cellphones across 12 different cities, and also conducted a survey about hand-washing habits. While 95 percent of respondents claimed they washed their hands with soap and water after using the washroom, 92 percent of phones had some form of bacteria on them.

Cellphone users in London were at the highest risk of having E. coli on their phones, while users in Birmingham had a higher risk of fecal bacteria; Glasgow, however, had the dirtiest hands and phones overall.

While some forms of bacteria and E. coli are not harmful to humans, other strains can cause illness including stomach cramps, nausea and diarrhea. The researchers say they hope this unsettling finding causes people to take a little more care when washing their hands.

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