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Fly to Japan for free?

Japan may offer 10,000 free flights to help revive tourism industry.

In order to boost tourism levels after the devastating March earthquke and tsunami, and subsequent nuclear disaster, Japan is considering offering 10,000 free flights to foreigners, reports the Daily Mail.

The Japan Tourist Agency (JTA) hopes to revive Japanese tourism by kick-starting it with free flights. The plan involves potential visitors submitting an online application, specifying which area of the country they want to visit.

Successful applicants will be asked to later write a review of their trip for publication online. The hospitality extends only to airfare, and travelers would be required to purchase all other amenities, including meals and accommodations.  

The agency says it wants people to see for themselves that Japan is “safe and still a fantastic destination for a holiday,” and hopes that people will then “spread the word” through Facebook, Twitter and blogs.

Response to the idea has been so great, Japan National Tourism Organization has posted a message on their website, “Thank you very much for your interest in visiting Japan and for your keen response towards the ‘Japan offers 10,000 free flights to foreigners’ news….however it is subject to government budgetary approval, and no details have been decided yet.”