
Shocking news: Children like vegetables

French survey finds that most children actually like fresh fruits and vegetables.

Stereotypes to the contrary, most children actually like fruits and vegetables and understand their importance, according to a survey conducted by the French organization Interfel, an association of fruit and vegetable growers.

Researchers surveyed 300 children between the ages of five and 11 on their opinions and knowledge about fresh produce. Surprisingly, 70 percent of the children said that they actually liked vegetables, while a whopping 90 percent liked fruit.

Most of the children – 82 percent – said it was important to eat vegetables, and 62 percent knew that they should eat at least five servings a day. Despite this, only 57 percent said they actually ate the recommended amount every day.

Young children were especially fond of tomatoes, while all age groups liked carrots, green beans, peas and radishes. For fruit, strawberries were ranked number one, and bananas, raspberries and apples were also popular. Kiwi, grapefruit and spinach were some of the least favored choices.


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