
Will Lady Gaga give away her next album?

Gaga’s manager wants to distribute upcoming album for free.

Pop star Lady Gaga is an incredibly busy woman: despite having just launched her best-selling Born This Way album, she’s already planning her next tour, readying to shoot a music video, and starting work on a new album… which her manager thinks she should give away for free.

"What we’re looking to do is not just about selling the CD or the digital file. It’s how many people can we get the music to. How many people can experience it?" her manager, Try Carter, told the Guardian at the Facebook F8 developer conference.

"If it was up to me, I’d give away the next album and put it on every [cell phone] handset that I can put it on, to get that scale. You can’t be scared to fail. Sometimes we’re going to get big results, and sometimes you learn a lesson, make an adjustment and move on."

Gaga has been known to experiment with album releases in the past. Last May, she launched her newest album, Born This Way, with a special 99-cent pricing scheme through Amazon. The promotion was so successful that her fans, known as ‘Little Monsters,’ crashed the retailer’s servers.