
Smoking linked to poor memory

Study finds smokers have harder time recalling tasks than non-smokers and those who have quit.

Cigarette smokers may suffer from a poorer memory than non-smokers, although quitting the habit can help a person regain much of the lost ability, according to a new study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Researchers at Northumbria University in the U.K. recruited 69 students to take part in the study. The volunteers – 27 smokers, 18 former smokers and 24 non-smokers – were given a memory test where they were asked to remember real-world tasks, carrying out specific exercises at various locations around the school’s campus.

The smokers performed poorly, recalling only 59 percent of the tasks. Non-smokers scored highest with 81 percent recall, but those who had quit smoking managed to remember 74 percent of the information.

"We already know that giving up smoking has huge health benefits for the body but this study also shows how stopping smoking can have knock-on benefits for cognitive function too," explained lead author Dr. Tom Heffernan.

Photo credit: graur codrin/