Nouvelles quotidiennes

An exhibit without borders opens in Quebec City

Médecins Sans Frontières recreates refugee camp in the heart of the capital.

As part of an awareness-raising project, one of the leading independent international medical relief organizations, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), will be building an authentic refugee camp replica, right in downtown Quebec City.

From September 29 until October 3, The Refugee Camp in the Heart of the City project will allow visitors to experience what life is like for the 43 million people in the world who have been displaced by war and conflict.

The exhibit will be open daily from 9 a.m. (10 a.m. on Sunday) until 6 p.m. Tours are estimated to take approximately 40 to 60 minutes.

"During the tour, each visitor will learn some of the challenges a refugee or IDP [internally displaced people] faces in trying to access food, shelter, water and medical care," explains the official website.

The exhibit comprises 740 square meters and has enough room to accommodate an expected 800 to 1,200 visitors a day. The camp includes shelter and latrine areas, a health clinic, a water supply and food distribution center, a cholera treatment center, a nutrition treatment center and a vaccination tent.

Photo credit: africa/