
Jennifer Lopez starts a riot in her new video

Papi video shows singer driving men wild.

While the videos for On the Floor and I’m Into You from her most recent album Love? tended to be fairly traditional, singer-actress Jennifer Lopez has decided to add a little humor to her new music video for the third single from her album, Papi.

The video opens at an apartment-hotel reception area, Lopez is offered a heart-shaped cookie by the female concierge, who assures her that just a small bite will bring her love back to her. The unsuspecting J Lo takes a huge bite, claiming the cookie is delicious.

The music begins as the singer exits the hotel, and is frantically pursued by every man who sees her. These ardent suitors knock each other down in their bid to approach her, offering her flowers, alcohol, and fruit.

By the middle of the song, the men are fighting, cars are crashing and burning, and of course, a street dance breaks out. Once Lopez realizes the power she has over them, she leads them into some great choreography.

At the end, her man in uniform returns, and rescues her from the mob, carrying her away in his arms…shades of An Officer and a Gentleman.

Check out the video for yourself.