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Ten places worth visiting… but only once

Tourist website compiles top ten places not worth a second visit.

Some destinations have so much to do, it’s impossible to cram everything into one single visit, making them worth going back to again and again. The members and editors of, however, have compiled a list of places where one visit is really enough.

In first place is Seattle, Washington. While a visit to the famous Pike Place Market is definitely recommended, some visitors have trouble finding anything more to do after accomplishing that goal.

The city of Prague in the Czech Republic is renowned for its beauty, but some visitors found there wasn’t enough going on beneath the surface, earning this destination second place. Rounding out the top three was Rome, Italy, with voters feeling that the ruins got boring after awhile.

Paris, France and China took fourth and fifth place respectively, with people suggesting that they didn’t quite live up to the hype, and Neuschwanstein Castle in Hohenschwangau, Germany is a gem but only worth a single visit, said those who voted it into sixth place.

Completing the top ten were: Las Vegas, Nevada; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Mount Rushmore in Keystone, South Dakota; and Niagara Falls in New York and Ontario.