
Make homework about learning not grades

Parental priorities can shape how much kids get out of homework.

Parents who want their children to enjoy and excel at doing homework need to check their own priorities and attitudes towards the endeavor, according to a new study published in the journal Learning and Individual Differences.

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negrev in Israel surveyed 135 fourth graders and their parents about attitudes towards homework. The students filled out questionnaires regarding their motivation to do the work, and parents were questioned about their willingness to help.

The study authors recommend giving children some choice about how to approach their own work: "Parents can improve a sense of competence by allowing children to structure their own tasks and by giving the child the feeling that he is loved and admired no matter how successful he or she is in math or language," they said.

Parents also need to examine their own motivation, attitude and competence before they start trying to change their children, add the researchers. For children to succeed, it’s important that parents show enthusiasm for learning and not just getting a good grade or completing the assignment.


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