
Laughter is good for the heart

Study finds laughter has positive impact on vascular function.

Watching a funny movie or sitcom that produces laughter has a positive effect on vascular function, opposite to the mental stress observed after watching violent or scary movies, according to U.S. researchers at University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Volunteers watched segments of a funny movie, such as There’s Something About Mary on one day, and on another day watched the opening segment of the stressful movie Saving Private Ryan.

Viewing the stressful movie, study participants’ blood vessel lining developed a potentially unhealthy response called vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow.

This finding confirms previous studies, which suggested there was a link between mental stress and the narrowing of blood vessels. However, after watching the funny movie, the blood vessel lining expanded.

"The magnitude of change we saw in the endothelium after laughing was consistent and similar to the benefit we might see with aerobic exercise or statin use" said lead author Dr. Michael Miller.

Although the results appear to make a connection between laughter and vascular health, researchers conclude a randomized trial is still necessary.