
Causes of female infertility explained

Most cases of female infertility can be traced back to one of six causes.

While female infertility is a confusing and worrying risk for any aspiring mother, most cases can be traced back to one of six causes, according to Dr. Geoffrey Sher on

Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes are the single most common cause of female infertility, says Dr. Sher. When the fallopian tubes fail to function properly, it can keep the egg and sperm from uniting. Sexually transmitted diseases or pelvic surgery can cause damage to the tubes, affecting a woman’s ability to conceive.

Endometriosis – a painful condition where the uterine lining grows outside the womb – may also cause damage to the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Doctors believe that the condition can release toxins into the pelvic area, which damage the egg and make it resistant to fertilization.

Damaged ovaries or abnormal ovulation can both negatively effect female fertility. Along with endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or even surgical scars can cause the ovaries to sit in an awkward position or even create a barrier to ovulation. Abnormal ovulation, meanwhile, occurs when a woman ovulates too early or late in her cycle. The risk of abnormal ovulation goes up after age 35.

Abnormalities in the shape of the uterus can make it harder to successfully become pregnant, while some women have what is known as hostile cervical mucus, making it hard to impossible for sperm to pass through the barrier.

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