
Can cookies cause uterine cancer?

Sugary baked goods linked to uterine cancer.

According to a Swedish study, women who regularly eat cookies, cakes and doughnuts may have an increased risk of developing cancer of the uterus, reports the Daily Mail.

Women who snack on the sugary treats three times a week were more likely to develop cervical cancer, reports a study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

Researchers at the Karolinska Institute tracked data for 60,000 women over 10 years to determine possible links between the consumption of sugary foods and tumors.

Those who frequently ate cookies, cakes or buns were up to 42 percent more likely to get cancer than those who consumed chocolates, soft drinks, and jam.

Further research is necessary before reaching definitive conclusions, but initial results do show that eating sugary baked goods three times a week puts women at increased risk of uterine cancer.


Photo credit: joannawnuk/