Mode et accessoires

Celebrities give soles to raise money

SJP, Colin Firth, Helen Mirren donate to shoe auction.

It’s not too often you get to literally walk a mile in celebrity shoes, and help raise money for a good cause, reports Vogue.

Some of the many celebrities who have donated shoes – with autographed insole – to the Small Steps Project include Sarah Jessica Parker with two pairs of Louboutins no less, Oscar-winner Colin Firth’s Hugo Boss loafers, Sienna Miller’s black and red Calvin Klein heels, and Jaime Lee Curtis’s black patent leather Mahnolo Blahnik peep-toe stilettoes.

The Small Steps Project is a humanitarian organization founded by journalist Amy Hanson to help provide shoes and aid to children who work in garbage dumps of Cambodia. After interviewing celebrities for years, she enlisted their help to raise funds for the charity she created.

Tickets for the auction went on sale yesterday (August 15), and an online auction on eBay will follow the live event on Saturday, October 8. Small Steps Project will host the live auction and the premiere of a new film at a fundraising evening at The Royal Society of Medicine at One Wimpole Street in central London.

The website also includes a celebrity wishlist – asking supporters to name celebs they’d like to see donate shoes. Some of the top names include Kanye West, Elton John, Madonna, Beyoncé, and Gwen Stefani among others.