
Food variety may promote obesity

Recent study suggests that varied food choices trigger increased consumption.

While Americans consider themselves fortunate to have so many choices when it comes to food, researchers at the University of Florida believe that a diverse menu in fact encourages overeating and contributes to the escalating obesity rate.

The study, to be published in August’s American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was initiated in response to a preceding study which showed people’s increased disinterest in food when they are repeatedly exposed to the same item.

The study’s co-authors Nicole Avena and Mark Gold wrote: "Clearly, school-lunch planners and public health officials should note that diversity in the menu is not necessarily a virtue, and in fact may be associated with promoting excess food intake and increased body mass index."

The findings of this study could prove significant for people who suffer from food addictions, researchers say, as highly palatable foods trigger the same brain behavior connected with highly addictive drugs.

A similar study published in Behavioral Processes last year showed that when capuchin monkeys were given a choice between their favorite food and a variety of food choices, the monkeys opted for variety.