
Easy ways to improve fertility

Staying hydrated, well-rested and healthy can help improve chances of conception.

While conception is never a sure thing, there are a few simple changes prospective parents can make to help improve their chances of getting pregnant, reports the Times of Oman.

Both mothers and fathers-to-be should be certain to drink plenty of water: experts recommend at least 1.5 to 2.5 liters a day, although some of that can come from eating fruits and vegetables. Water helps hormones move through the body and also improves the development of sperm and cervical mucus. When the body is dehydrated, water is directed away from the testes and ovaries to provide for essential organs like the heart and brain.

Vitamin C contains antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. The vitamin also boosts the quality of sperm and helps to protect it as well. Sunlight, meanwhile, boosts reproductive hormones in both men and women.

Sleep, of course, is also essential. Sleep deprivation can negatively effect the reproductive hormones and even ovulation. Get plenty of shuteye and also cut back on the caffeine, which is known to increase the level of the stress hormone cortisol and can, in turn, lower fertility for both men and women.

Men should also take care to keep the testes cool and well-ventilated. Avoid tight-fitting underwear and hot baths, and sitting in one place for long periods of time.

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