
Bridge may be renamed in honor of Kurt Cobain

Hometown of Aberdeen, Washington planning to rename Young Street Bridge.

Although Kurt Cobain and Nirvana helped put Seattle on the musical map as the main architects of the grunge movement, it’s the nearby city of Aberdeen, Washington, that has a hometown claim on the famous musician.

Now the small town wants to name a bridge and a park in honor of one of its most illustrious representatives, reports Rolling Stone. On July 27, it will propose a motion to that effect at a City Council meeting, and currently has opened the issue for public debate.

Some residents have objected to honoring Cobain this way, due to his association with drug use and suicide. The bridge in question is the Young Street Bridge, which spans the Wishkah River.

Ironically, Cobain mentioned that when he was younger he hung out under the bridge, and his experience inspired him to write the lyrics for Something in the Way on the Nirvana album Nevermind.