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Quebec summer vacation ideas

Unique ‘blue route’ is an official water trail for non-motorized boats.

Those still looking for a summer destination may not need to look too far, as Quebec is full of summer fun, points out La Presse.

See Montreal in a new light during the Montreal International Jazz Festival, which runs until July 4. Some of the major performers appearing at this year’s festival include Prince, Marianne Faithful, Sophie Hunger and MG3.

If you prefer to avoid the crowds for something more relaxing, check out the floating spa, Bota Bota, located in city’s Old Port.

Active adventurers can explore the Route bleu (Blue Route), a 150-km water trail for kayaks, canoes, and paddle boats along banks of Montreal, complete with launches, shelters, rest areas and camping sites

The path can be done in smaller segments, or gear up for a longer trip and explore its full length as it wends along Lake Saint-Louis, the Lachine Canal and the St. Lawrence River. Alternatively, grab a kayak and head to Tadoussac to get close to the whales and belugas, or watch the seals and fish from Percé Rock.

If it’s the finer things in life you seek, go further afield and try Quebec’s celebrated wine route through the Eastern Townships (Cantons-de-l’Est) and Montérégie. For more details on the wine tour, see the official website.