
Can tea help prevent cancer?

Compounds in black tea may help prevent tumors.

Tea has long been regarded as an aid to good health, and many believe it can help reduce the risk of cancer, according to the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

Two studies show that a compound in tea might help prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.

In the first study, New Jersey researchers evaluated the black tea compound theaflavin-2 (TF-2). It was found to have the ability to kill cancer cells by stimulating cell shrinkage.

In addition, it suppresses gene activity by decreasing the activity of molecules that cause inflammation.

The second study, from India, examined the effects of polyphenols in black and green tea on breast cancer in female rats.

“Polyphenols from green and black tea are good to reduce the tumor as much as 77 percent and reduce growth risk as much as 92 percent,” said Dr Tim Bond of UK’s Tea Advisory Panel.

Experts caution that additional clinical trials are still necessary before giving any definitive conclusions about how tea effects cancer.