
Green tea boosts immune system

Study uncovers mechanism that helps control immune response.

A compound found in green tea has the ability to increase the number of ‘regulatory T cells’ that play a key role in immune function and suppression of autoimmune disease, according to new research from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University.

There are many types of cells that have different roles in the immune system, which is a delicate balancing act of attacking unwanted invaders without damaging normal cells. In autoimmune diseases, which can range from simple allergies to juvenile diabetes or even terminal conditions such as Lou Gehrig’s disease, this process goes awry and the body mistakenly attacks itself.

Some cells exist primarily to help control that problem and dampen or “turn off” the immune system, including regulatory T cells. The number and proper function of those regulatory T cells, in turn, is regulated by other biological processes such as transcription factors and DNA methylation.

In this study, OSU scientists did experiments with a compound in green tea, a polyphenol called EGCG, which is believed to be responsible for much of its health benefits and has both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer characteristics.

Laboratory studies done with mice showed that treatment with EGCG significantly increased the numbers and frequencies of regulatory T cells found in spleen and lymph nodes, and in the process helped to control the immune response.

“When fully understood, this could provide an easy and safe way to help control autoimmune problems and address various diseases,” said Emily Ho, principal investigator. The findings have been published in the professional journal Immunology Letters.