
Children at risk for dehydration during heat waves

How to recognize the signs of dehydration.

While the warm summer weather has everyone heading outside to enjoy all kinds of activities, it’s important for parents to realize that young children can easily become dehydrated as the mercury soars.

With officials calling for a very warm summer, a Loyola University Health System pediatrician offers these tips to help keep kids safe and hydrated on dangerously hot days, reports Medical News Today.

One sign that a child is not getting enough fluids includes crying, but not being able to make tears. Sunken eyes are another feature of dehydration.

If the skin on the back of the hand stays ‘tented’ after it is pinched, instead of releasing quickly, dehydration could be the cause.

Also, a child should urinate at least four times a day and the urine should be clear. If it is yellow and odorous, it may also be a sign that the child is not drinking enough.

To help prevent dehydration on hot summer days, be sure to provide the little ones with plenty of beverages – popsicles, watermelon, and even the garden hose are all great sources of hydration for your child.