
Pay attention to the calories in alcohol

Monitor your alcohol consumption if you want to lose weight.

A glass of champagne or wine could ruin your diet, reports the Daily Mail. Most people don’t realize the number of calories contained in alcoholic beverages.

For example, in England, a survey of 2,000 adults found that while 1 in 3 people wanted to lose weight, only 1 in 10 had considered taking alcohol consumption into account.

Only one third of respondents knew that a 175 ml glass of wine had 134 calories, yet almost half knew that a cheeseburger contained 337 calories.

A simple glass of champagne contains 95 calories, equivalent to a piece of cake, while wine contains 134 calories per glass. Similarly, a gin and tonic has about the same number of calories as two fruit puddings.

So, it’s recommended people become more aware of their alcohol intake, and reduce it accordingly if they want to lose weight.