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A sweeping victory in Iowa reignites Trump’s fanbase passions

Donald Trump’s resounding victory in the Iowa caucuses has solidified his position as favorite for the Republican Party nomination and sets the stage for a tough showdown between Biden and Trump over who will secure his place in the White House.

Iowa Republicans voted, and the former president’s loyal supporters were undeterred by the frigid weather or the controversies surrounding the former president, as he won a landslide victory.

Donald Trump was helped by a fragmented opposition, which lacked the unity and strength to mount a serious challenge. Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida governor Ron DeSantis were both vying to become Trump’s main challenger, but neither came out on top, with the disappointing result that DeSantis narrowly edged out Nikki Haley to take second place.

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Donald Trump’s supporters in the Republican Party don’t seem at all swayed by the many criminal charges against him; instead, they’re consumed by their worries about the economy, immigration and signal their extreme distrust of Democrats.

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The primary is still far from over and it remains to be seen whether his opponents will be able to regain control, but the current momentum within the Republican Party should push Trump, once again, towards the Republican nomination.