Nouvelles quotidiennes

Bordeaux unveils winning design for new cultural center

Cultural Center for Wine and Tourism has “architectural audacity.”

The French city of Bordeaux has unveiled the blueprints for its new Centre culturel et touristique du vin (Cultural Center for Wine and Tourism), an eye-catching structure to be built along the city’s waterfront, reports Sudouest.

The unusual elliptical structure was inspired by the way wine looks when swirled around in a glass. The building will feature a circular three-storey base, with a twelve-story rounded building rising from it, providing 10,000 square feet of interior space. A 45-meter-high observation deck will sit atop the center.

The skeleton of the structure will be built from wood, which will be covered by two layers of glass. The top-most level will be equipped with solar panels to power the building.

The winning entry, designed by Parisian architect firm X-Tu and London scenography company Casson Mann Limited, was chosen from among 113 entries.

"The design’s strength is in its architectural audacity," said the city’s mayor, Alain Juppé. "It will have an influence on the entire region and will be a gateway to the vineyard."