Nouvelles quotidiennes

Egyptian treasures discovered… in museum cellar

Over 200 forgotten works found during Cairo museum renovation.

More than 200 works of art and important documents were uncovered in a small cellar during ongoing renovations to the Egyptian Museum of Civilization in Cairo.

The treasures, which were discovered only three weeks ago, date back over 60 years, sitting lost and forgotten in museum storage.

"We found a huge number of artworks from the most popular artists like Hussein Fawzi, Mofeed Gayd and Kamel Mustafa," said Culture Ministry official Ashraf Reda.

Along with the works of fine art, the cellar also housed valuable documents including maps, books and newspapers.

Officials believe some of the rare and valuable works of art may have once belonged to the last of the royal family, King Farouq I and his father King Fuad I. The monarchy was overthrown in a bloodless coup in 1952, ending a ruling dynasty that had started in 1805.

The 222 discovered items will go on display at the al-Jazeera museum with the rest of the royal collection.