
Why it’s only natural to be tempted by sweet and fatty foods

Professor explains the psychology behind our cravings.

Several factors influence our preference for sweet and fatty foods, and some have been around since prehistoric times. According to a study published in the Daily Mail, during humankind’s earliest days, the body needed a lot of calories to survive, and although our nutritional needs have changed today, the brain still has the same mechanism.

“Our brain is programmed to enjoy fatty and sweet foods. The brain tells your body to search,” said Professor Andrew Hill in the Department of Behavioral and Psychological Sciences at UK’s University of Leeds.

High stress levels can also encourage us look for more sugar and fat. Stress increases cortisol production, the hormone that increases blood sugar used as energy source. In addition, it inhibits the immune system and suppresses the metabolism of acids in fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Mood also plays a role. Dietary patterns are established in childhood, so if you were rewarded for good behavior or after a painful episode, you’re predisposed to see food as a psychological boost. Also eating sweet foods triggers the brain to release chemicals that encourage a sense of euphoria…chocolate anyone?