Nouvelles quotidiennes

Abu Dhabi the new caviar capital?

Emirate has built the largest fish farm in the world.

The emirate of Abu Dhabi, rich in oil and gas reserves, has long been associated with luxurious lifestyles and that includes caviar, of course, reports UK’s Independent.

So it’s not surprising to learn that the emirate has decided to produce its own caviar, complete with the construction of the world’s largest fish farm, a 60,000 square meter factory to breed sturgeon.

The plant has imported two dozen sturgeon from Germany to begin the breeding that will provide eggs to prepare one of the most coveted and expensive foods in the world, caviar.

By the end of the year, the plant expects to produce about 32 tons of caviar per year.

The plant is a partnership between Bin Salem Holding Company and United Food Technologies, a global specialist in aquaculture.

Due to the insatiable appetite of the rich, sturgeon has been pushed to the brink of extinction. The caviar made from their eggs can fetch up to $10,000 per kilogram.