
Debbie Gibson and Tiffany team up for tour.

Eighties pop stars decide to go on the road together.

Eighties teen pop stars Debbie Gibson and Tiffany have decided to join forces and head out on tour this summer.

Like New Kids On The Block and the Backstreet Boys who teamed up to create the ‘super’ boy band NKOTBSB tour and already sold out in many places, Gibson and Tiffany are borrowing from their joint-drawing power formula.

Although both women were widely successful in the 1980s, they don’t intend to stick to their own material.

Debbie Gibson explained to the New York Post: "We want to journey through the ’80s and all the artists who influenced us.”

The former teen stars were often portrayed as competitors, and in the past each agreed to pose for Playboy in the hopes of reviving their floundering careers.