
Evan Rachel Wood reveals her bisexuality

The Wrestler actress opens up in an Esquire magazine interview.

The Wrestler actress Evan Rachel Wood, 23, opened up in an Esquire magazine interview, revealing that she is bisexual.

The True Blood star said she was attracted to both men and woman, explaining she was “into androgynous in general,” which would help explain the appeal of her ex Marilyn Manson, whom she broke up with last August.

"I grew up in love with David Bowie,” said Wood. “So I was always into very androgynous things. Guys, girls … I’m into androgyny in general. I think one of the things that freaked people out so much is that we looked so different."

Prior to dating Manson, she dated actor Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot, Jumper) for one year. When asked if she dated women, she proudly admitted, “Yes.”

“Yeah, I’m more kind of like the guy when it comes to girls. I’m the dominant one." With women, she says, her inner North Carolina gentleman comes out: "I’m opening the doors, I’m buying dinner. Yeah, I’m romantic.”

She plans to move to New York City this year, and is looking forward to the future: "I’m up for anything. Meet a nice guy, meet a nice girl…"

Last April, her True Blood co-star Anna Paquin revealed her bisexuality. In a public service announcement, the wife of actor Stephen Moyer said, “I’m bisexual, and I give a damn. One hate crime is committed approximately every hour of every day in this country.”

Wood stars in George Clooney’s upcoming political film The Ides of March on October 14.