
Get active one week after heart attack?

Study suggests light exercise one week after cardiac arrest helps recovery.

Most physicians recommend that patients who have suffered a heart attack take it easy for awhile, however a new study finds that stable patients improve their heart performance by starting a light exercise program just one week later, reports the Daily Mail.

A team from the University of Alberta, led by Mark Haykowsky and Alex Clark, reviewed 20 years of trials. They found that patients had better recovery outcomes and cardiac performance if they resumed activity with a light program a week after the attack. Their health had improved considerably compared to people who waited at least a month to start exercising again.

“In the 70’s, health-care professionals were telling patients not to move for three months after a heart attack. Our findings suggest that stable patients need not wait a month to start exercising in a cardiac-rehabilitation setting,” said Clark.

“Exercise is a wonder drug that hasn’t been bottled,” Dr Haykowsky added.

Health professionals emphasize that it’s important for heart attack sufferers to speak to their doctor or cardiac rehab nurse before undertaking any physical exercise program.