
Losing weight can improve memory

People who lose weight often improve memory and concentration.

A new study from Kent State University has found that obese people who lose weight and become more fit generally show improved cognitive abilities in terms of improved memory and concentration, reports Psych Central.

Dr. John Gunstad and his team followed 150 obese patients, where 109 had undergone bariatric (weight loss) surgery and 41 remained obese.

Many initially scored lower on cognitive tests. Twelve weeks after undergoing bariatric surgery, patients saw a marked improvement in their memory and concentration.

Gunstad wasn’t surprised by the study’s findings. “A lot of the factors that come with obesity – things such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea – that might damage the brain are somewhat reversible,” he said. “As those problems go away, memory function gets better.”

The doctor expects to see similar results with their next project, which will examine whether those who lose weight the old-fashioned way see the same effects.

“One of the things we know is that as individuals become more cardiovascular fit and their heart health gets better, their brain health also improves,” Gunstad said. “Even if we take young adults and put them through an exercise program, their memory and their concentration get better by the end of the program.”