
Morrissey re-establishes contact with Stephen Street

Musicians mend fences after almost 20 years.

When Morrissey was lead singer of The Smiths, Stephen Street was a studio engineer, and helped the group produce their second studio album Meat is Murder which ranks as one of Rolling Stone magazine’s 500 greatest albums of all time.

Street is credited as producer on The Smith’s third studio album, the classic The Queen Is Dead, considered one of the best alternative albums of the 1980s.

A few years later, the group disbanded and Morrissey began his solo career with a debut album, Viva Hate (1988). Street not only produced, but is also credited as songwriter, bass and guitar player.

However after an argument, possibly over royalties or Street’s involvement with biographer Johnny Rogan, the two had a falling out and did not speak for about 20 years. Street went on to work with other successful acts including Blur and the Cranberries.

On his website, Street wrote in his December diary entry: "I recently met up with a certain Mr Morrissey for the first time in nearly 20 years. I think we were both apprehensive about meeting but after 5 minutes we were getting on so well it was truly a magical moment.

“I am so pleased to have met up with someone who has been such a big part of my musical journey after a prolonged period of time and I hope we can stay true friends for ever.”

The meeting has fuelled speculation that the two might collaborate on a new project.