
Tips for new parents

How to make the most of the early years.

As a new parent, it can be a challenge to keep up with your little bundle of energy after all the chores and sleepless nights. There are some techniques, as reported by Medical News Today, that can help parents make the most of these early years.

It is important to stay active. If there aren’t enough hours in the day to squeeze in a proper work out, exercise can be incorporated into the daily schedule: leave the car at home and walk to the store – or at least park far from the door and trek across the lot.

Support is essential for new parents. Schedule times to meet up with other parents to share stories and advice, and don’t turn down offers of help when they are given. Enjoy a few hours off while a friend plays with the little one – feeling grateful, not guilty for needing the help.

There are small things you can do in order to keep your sanity intact. When overwhelmed, try to find humor in the situation – laughter is a great stress reliever and burns calories. While sleep may be hard to come by, it is essential to your well-being. Nap when the little one goes down, or move up your own bedtime to match your toddler’s.

Finally, don’t neglect yourself during these hectic years. Be sure to take periodic breaks, as a little ‘me time’ can give a boost of energy and a healthy sense of perspective. Taking up a new hobby, even one that you can do with your child, can help to break the routine and clear the mind.