
Simple Plan announces new album

Punk band asks fans to suggest album titles.

Canadian pop punk band Simple Plan has announced June 21 as the official release date of their next album through a video posted on their official website.

"June 21 is a very special day. We chose that day because it is astrologically a very important day. It is the summer solstice… We wanted to have the sun, the planets align, and then the record drops," said frontman Pierre Charles Bouvier.

"Before that date, we’re going to have tons of stuff for you guys. We’re going to have a new song that’s going to be coming soon… two weeks, maybe," added drummer Chuck Comeau. "Something entirely new."

The band also urged fans to submit album title suggestions through Twitter, and promised that artwork, lyrics and images from a new photo shoot would be posted to their website prior to the album release and accompanying tour.

"We’re going to be on tour everywhere. So if you’re from anywhere, we’ll see you soon. We’re going to be there – everywhere," said Bouvier.