
Parents stressed due to lack of time

Parents feel there are too many demands on their time.

Almost half of all parents feel that they do not have enough time in the day to handle their responsibilities, according to a survey by French non-profit group Ligue des familles (League of Families).

The organization surveyed 1,000 parents regarding their time-management skills and their feelings on juggling the multiple responsibilities of work, school, extra-curricular activities and family life.

Of those surveyed, 24 percent said that they were "always" running behind schedule, while 25 percent replied that they were "often" running late.

Working mothers between the ages of 25 to 39 tend to be most affected by the time crunch and are more likely to be stressed due to lack of time, especially when their spouse is also employed.

Working moms aren’t the only ones feeling pressured, however. Over 70 percent of all parents surveyed, regardless of gender, admitted to feeling stressed by the demands on their time.

Beyond just feeling stressed, 16 percent of survey participants said that they were "worried" about not having enough time for their children, a sentiment that ran especially high among single mothers.