
Pink’s controversial new video

Disturbing images in pop singer’s F**kin’ Perfect video.

Pop singer Pink recently launched the video for her song F**kin’ Perfect, and defended her choice of disturbing images of self-harm, suicide, and anorexia, saying that her intention is to raise awareness of these issues, reports

The clip features Napolean Dynamite actress Tina Marjorino portraying a teenager struggling with bullying and self-esteem issues.

In a post on her website, she writes about the video, "…I expect it will ruffle some feathers… I want art to make me think. In order to do that, it may piss me off, or make me uncomfortable. That promotes awareness and change, or at least some discussion. That is my intention…”

"Cutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us… A lot of us have seen certain starlets showing off their latest scars on a red carpet somewhere, usually right before they head back to their favourite rehab."

"It’s a problem, and it’s something we should talk about. We can choose to ignore the problem, and therefore ignore this video, but that won’t make it go away. I don’t support or encourage suicide or cutting. I support the kids out there… I want them to know I’m aware. I have been there. I see them. Sometimes that’s all it takes."