
Motherhood a hurdle to employment

Survey finds 1 in 4 women still face discrimination at work.

Mothers will face an even greater challenge finding work in 2011 than last year, according to a French survey conducted by international firm Regus.

In the business survey, only 25 percent of employers are considering hiring a woman with children this year, down from 33 percent in 2010. The survey also uncovered some of the reasons behind this reluctance.

Of the companies surveyed, 37 percent of employers felt that women with children are less flexible with their schedules and less likely to be as involved in their work as other employees. 

Thirty-three percent, meanwhile, feared that these women were more likely to take a new maternity leave, with 24 percent concerned that the employee’s skills would be out-of-date upon her return.

It would seem that women are already only too aware of these hurdles. According to a previous study conducted by consulting firm Cegos, 23 percent of the 900 women surveyed had experienced some form of sexual discrimination at work, while 37 percent said that they considered motherhood a hindrance to their careers.