Nouvelles quotidiennes

Prague bar lets customers decide what to pay

Big Lebowski Bar succeeds with a unique pay-what-you-want policy.

A Prague bar has had surprising success with implementing a "pay-what-you-want" policy for its patrons.

When the Big Lebowski Bar was facing bankruptcy, the proprietor figured he had little to lose – so he decided to let customers pay whatever they wanted for their drinks.
Surprisingly, the move ultimately ended up saving the bar, which has been sold out every night since the policy was implemented last August. According to the owner, most patrons often end up deciding to pay about the same as they would in another of the city’s bars.
Along with enjoying a drink, customers are invited to make use of the available board games and chess sets, and can even challenge the bartender to a match.
For about six to 14 dollars an hour, they can rent out the space for a private film screening, and musicians of every genre are invited to contact the bar to make an arrangement to perform live music.
The bar is the namesake of the 1998 dark-comedy film, The Big Lebowski, by the Coen Brothers starring Jeff Bridges and John Goodman.