
Garlic, onions may help prevent osteoarthritis

Bulb-type plants from the allium family may offer protection against hip joint deterioration.

Bulb-type plants from the allium family – vegetables like onions, shallots, scallions, and leeks, and herbs such as garlic and chives – may have a protective effect against osteoarthritis of the hip, according to a British study.  

Researchers studied 1,000 healthy female twins, aged 46 to 77, for nine years. They met periodically to answer questionnaires about their eating habits, in addition to having X-rays taken of joints of their hands, knees and pelvis to measure the slightest signs of degeneration.

Those who ate the most vegetables had less deterioration in the hips. However, the difference was actually greater among those who regularly ate garlic, onions, shallots or leeks.

To validate these results, the researchers conducted in vitro (cell cultures in test tubes) and found that the allicin contained in these plants was transformed into various compounds which somehow acted as anti-inflammatory and protected against hip deterioration.

Researchers believe that allium bulbs contain a substance that could not only prevent but also lead to better treatments for this type of degeneration.