
Minimize your hangover with a hearty snack

To help decrease the effects of a New Year’s Day hangover, grab a well-rounded pre-party snack.


What you eat before you go out partying may help to minimize your hangover, reports the Daily Mail. The important thing is to choose foods that will counteract the effects of alcohol.

For example, baked beans on whole-grain toast, topped with Worcestershire sauce and a little avocado will digest slowly, limiting the effects of alcohol – even several hours later – while helping to prevent a blood-sugar crash. Pair the snack with a glass of apple juice to keep you hydrated and replace the vitamin C that’s depleted by heavy drinking.

Alternatively, an afternoon meal of a lamb chop with sweet potato wedges and peas, probiotic yogurt and a glass of water will also break down slowly and minimize the effects of alcohol later that evening, while providing lots of zinc and vitamin A, both diminished after a night of drinking.

Also recommended are well-rounded meals such as: smoked salmon, cream cheese and tomato on a whole wheat bagel, with a banana and a large glass of orange juice to follow; lentil soup with a smoothie of milk, banana and honey; or scrambled eggs on rye with one-percent milk. 

For those in a hurry, there’s a quicker snack with lasting benefits – grab some rice pudding with a side of mango and a cup of tea. It will fill you up and provide plenty of vitamins A, B and C.