Nouvelles quotidiennes

Humanity House opens in The Hague

Humanitarian information centre now open in the Netherlands.


Humanity House, a humanitarian information centre, is now open in The Hague. An initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross in co-operation with the city of The Hague and the European Union, the centre intends to help increase awareness of humanitarian efforts by educating and engaging visitors through activities and discussion.

Opening its doors to the public this month, Humanity House features workshops, exhibitions, film screenings, and opportunities for discussion and debate, as well as hosting a forum to share the stories of victims of armed conflicts, crises and natural disasters, who survive on humanitarian aid.

A special, ten-room exhibit educates visitors on the refugee experience. Beginning in an abruptly-abandoned dining room with an emergency broadcast still playing on the forgotten radio, visitors traverse corridors to the sounds of barking dogs and yelling voices, experience a simulated border crossing with a stern official demanding their travel documents, and puzzle out how to file their registration papers in a room full of filing cabinets, reports Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

In time, Humanity House aims to be an international resource for people and organizations interested in humanitarian issues, serving as a platform for discussion and debate.