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New passport requirements begin in 2011

Passport Canada has announced changes to birth certificate requirements for 2011. 

As of February 1, 2011, Canadians applying for a new passport will need to provide documentation from a provincial or territorial vital statistics office.

Acceptable birth documentation includes: ‘Birth certificate,’ ‘Certificate of birth’ or ‘Certificat de naissance.’ A ‘Certificate of citizenship’ from Citizenship and Immigration Canada will be required for anyone not born in Canada.

Passport Canada has issued the announcement well ahead of time so that travellers will have time to gather the necessary documentation.

It is recommended that Canadians begin the process as soon as they know they will be travelling outside of the country. Time should be factored into travel plans in order to acquire the provincial documents.

Only new Canadian passport applications are effected by the change. Those renewing an existing or recently expired passport will not be required to produce this additional documentation. 

Further details are available directly through Passport Canada’s website at or by telephone at 1-800-567-6868.