
Kids are under too much pressure

Parents ask too much of their young children today.

Parents only want the best for their children. They expect them to be the best, the most beautiful and the most intelligent. But they forget that childhood is a time to have fun, and a critical development period for kids to learn at their own pace.


Often parents schedule too many different activities for their children even on weekends. Specialists recommend that parents observe each child and listen to their wants and needs before registering them in an activity.


Parents also need to remember that children need time to do nothing at all – to dream and develop their imagination. It’s essential to their development and sense of well-being.


Children are tired and stressed out at a very young age. Avoid talking to them constantly about work and the importance of doing a good job; it can all be too much for kids to handle. They’ll learn about responsibilities soon enough.


Specialists advise parents to let their children breathe. Set aside a time during the day which is totally free of talk about school, work, or the results of good conduct. The best approach? Parents – enjoy the time together – just let kids be kids.