
Purple fruit’s anti-aging properties

Purple-coloured fruit may help counteract age-related diseases.

Scientists believe eating purple-coloured fruits can help prevent age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart problems and cancer.

A study conducted at the University of Manchester and published in the Archives of Toxicology says that one or two of the five daily servings of fruits and vegetables should contain fruits like blueberries, blackberries, cassis and plums.

These fruits help fight against the harmful effects of iron, which can damage cells if it makes its way through the digestive system in the wrong form.

Typically iron is a healthy mineral, as long as it interacts with other compounds. Too much iron inhibits vitamin C from fighting against infections

Polyphenols, the compounds found in blueberries and other purple fruits, help recover excess iron. Green tea and curcumin, the key ingredient of the curry spice turmeric, contain a similar compound.

Lead researcher Professor Douglas Kell said: “We normally think of iron as something that is good for us. And, in the right form, it is. But in the wrong form it is not good for you because what it does is react with things that are always knocking around in the body to make something very nasty indeed.”

Researchers also added that the chances of developing multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s are reduced if you regularly eat blueberries, blackberries, cassis and plums – so be sure to add in a daily serving or two.